What is Perineoplasty?

July 2, 2014
What is Perineoplasty?


For many women, a deformity of the vagina (Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery) or anus can be a distressing condition. This is where perineoplasty comes in. This procedure can help deal with a variety of problems including genital warts (Removal of Genital Lesions Surgery), vulvar vestibulitis and decreased sexual sensation.The procedure involves two types of procedures. The first is to tighten the perineal muscles (Perineum Wiki Page) and the vagina, while the second involves loosening those perineal muscles.

Causes That May Require Perineoplasty

There are a number of situations where perineoplasty can repair damage caused by things like childbirth, obesity (Eat Healthy on A Budget), inadequate innervation and sexual penetration.

What's Involved in Perineoplasty

Perineoplasty Image

Perineoplasty The procedure involves making a V-shaped incision to the posterior wall of the vagina. Incision atop the V-incision can be curved, angled upwards, and flat. Depending on the vaginal tightening (Vaginal Laxity) to be achieved, the incision will be different. Once the incision is made, scar tissue and abnormal tissue from the injury or surgery will be removed.For women who experience painful sexual intercourse (Female Sexual Stimulants), they can be treated with a variant of perineoplasty, which will loosen the over-tight vaginal entry. This can be done with a simple surgical incision in the vagina.  This type of surgery will result will result in about four to six weeks of recovery.

Criticism of Perineoplasty

There is a great deal of criticism regarding the surgery when women get it as a cosmetic procedure, rather than as a medical procedure that is needed to alleviate pain. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published an opinion on the matter in 2007, giving opposition to the commercial misrepresentations of labiaplasty and other associated procedures. They also doubted the therapeutic efficiency of the surgery, as well as the medical safety. They recommended that all women who are thinking of getting the surgery, should be fully informed and see surgery-safety statistics, as well as the risks of surgical-wound infection, pudendal nerve damage and tissue adhesions or painful scars.Criticism aside, many consider this to be an important surgery for many women who want to improve the feel and look of their vaginas. Many find it an effective solution to deal with medical conditions that make sexual intercourse difficult to enjoy, which can impact marriages and relationships negatively.

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