8 Menstrual Cycle Facts and Myths

November 6, 2013
8 Menstrual Cycle Facts and Myths

Menstrual Cycle Facts and Myths

In American culture, many myths exist regarding a woman’s menstrual cycle. Often men are curious about a woman’s cycle, which is often referred to as a period, but wouldn’t dare bringing up this topic. Woman won’t inquire about myths either since they don’t want other women to think they are not “in the know.” Therefore, in spirit of education and curiosity, we will discuss the top eight menstrual cycle facts and myths! Myth 1 You can’t get pregnant if you have sex while on your period. Fact  Wrong.  Even though it is rare, it is possible--continue to use appropriate protection to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Myth 2Women should not swim while on their period for fear of infections or embarrassing moments. Fact  Wrong. Tampon products take care of embarrassing moments, there is no risk for infection and no reason to stay out of the water. Myth 3Disney has produced the cartoon about Menstrual Cycles.   Fact  Right. In 1946, thanks to the company Kotex®, Disney produced the cartoon, “The Story of Menstruation” explaining menstrual cycles to girls--complete with traditional Disney music and tips. Myth 4 “On the Rag” is slang for a woman being on her menstrual cycle. Fact  Right.  Women have called the time span that they are on their period using various terms, such as, my little friend, Aunt Flo, Crimson Tide, Time of the Month, Big Red Gift, etc. Myth 5 The average age that a girls starts her menstrual cycle is age 15. Fact  Wrong. Currently, in the United States, the average age a girl has her first menstrual cycle is 12 years old. Myth 6 You can not have sex while a women is on her period. Fact  Maybe.  This is truly a personal choice between partners. Myth 7 A women can lose a pint of blood during her period. Fact  Wrong. Women loose anywhere between one to six tablespoons of blood during her entire menstrual cycle. If she is loosing more than one cup, then a call to her physician might be in order. Myth 8 Do all women get emotional or moody while on their menstrual cycle? Fact  Maybe. Most women experience some sort of bloating, cramps, discomfort, headache, breast sensitivity, food cravings, fatigue or acne due to hormonal changes. If symptoms are not mild, then she should see a physician to learn how to manage these symptoms.

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