Erectile Dysfunction Causes

July 24, 2013
Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile Dysfunction Causes, The Major Causes of Impotence

Impotence of Erectile Dysfunction causes could be nonphysical. The most common erectile dysfunction causes that are considered nonphysical are stress, anxiety and fatigue. Psychological problems such as depression could be an occasional erectile dysfunction causes. Negative feelings toward your sexual partner — or expressed by your sexual partner — such as resentment, hostility or lack of interest also can be a factor in erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes, Cigarette Smoking

Smoking Cause Impotence

Still, the erectile dysfunction causes are not always psychological. Physical causes account for many cases of erectile dysfunction. In a double blind study which was performed by Dr. Elist and published in Urology, Dr. Elist proved that Cigarette smoking is a major cause of Impotency. Other causes of erectile dysfunction include diabetic neuropathy, cardiovascular disorders affecting the blood supply to the pelvis, prescription medications, operations for cancer of the prostate, fractures that injure the spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, hormonal disorders, and alcoholism and other forms of drug abuse. In fact, erectile dysfunction may be one of the first signs of an underlying medical problem.The physical and nonphysical erectile dysfunction causes commonly interact. For instance, a minor physical problem that slows sexual response may cause anxiety about attaining an erection. Then the anxiety can worsen your erectile dysfunction.

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