Dr. Elist Reviews Protein in Urine Problem
In this week’s blog review, Dr. Elist recaps the highlighted points from the topics covered throughout the week. This week, Dr. Elist visited the topics of signs and symptoms of protein in urine as well as protein in urine during pregnancy. He also touched on the topic of pregnancy diet essentials (Pregnancy Diet Essentials), foods which can play a key role in fetal development (Fetal Development Wiki Page).
Protein in Urine Signs & Symptoms
Proteinuria, or abnormal levels of protein in urine, in a healthy individual should be a cause of alarm and investigation. Although trace amounts of protein can be found in urine, a loss of protein in urine translates to a loss of protein within the body. Signs and symptoms include:
- Swelling of the hands.
- Feet and face.
- Foamy or frothy urine.
There are many different medical conditions that can cause proteinuria such as:
- High blood pressure.
- Lupus.
- Preclampsia.
Prolonged proteinuria can also cause kidney damage and can lead to kidney failure.
Protein in Urine During Pregnancy
Dr. Elist Reviews Weekly Protein in Urine Blogs Under normal circumstances, trace amounts of protein can usually be found in any healthy woman’s urine. However, during pregnancy, it is common to have the baseline of protein levels in urine increase to a certain extent. Certain conditions such as preeclampsia (primarily a disorder of pregnancy) can see a spike in protein content in urine and should be monitored closely. Symptoms of excessive amount of protein in urine can be:
- Foamy urine.
- Swelling of the hands or feet.
Although transient elevations in protein in urine can be seen in pregnancy, levels should return to pre-pregnancy levels soon after delivery.
Protein in Urine During Pregnancy Diet Essentials
As important is it is to stay active and fit during pregnancy, it is just as important to eat the right foods that provide the necessary nourishment to both you and you growing baby. Foods rich in vitamins, nutrients, minerals and fiber are a great way to ensure your child the best possible development in the early fetal stages. Foods rich in folate and folic acid are proven beneficial to prevent neural tube defects and help develop the nervous system. Fruits such as figs are high in iron which help prevent anemia, beans are loaded with minerals which are essential for vision and bone development, and yogurt is full of active, live “good” bacteria beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract in the mother. Also, lean meats, when taken in moderation, can provide a bountiful source of vital ingredients such as iron and omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon).As always, if you or someone you know has any questions about any of the topics reviewed this week, please feel free to contact our office via phone, email or chat. If you have a suggestion for a blog topic review, please feel free to submit it and if chosen we will write about your proposed topic.