Does Masturbating Help A Woman’s Sex Drive?

August 16, 2018
Does Masturbating Help A Woman’s Sex Drive?

Does Masturbating Help A Woman’s Sex Drive?

Exploring one’s own body is important to self-discovery, but also our self worth. Sexual self expression continues to show psychological and relational benefits.

Putting Gas in the Car Before You Drive

Getting your body in the mood and understanding what it takes to get your body there can help when you get into the bedroom with your partner. Habitually getting yourself to orgasm and having your body release the many hormones that stem from orgasm such as oxytocin and dopamine can “put gas in the car before you drive.” Putting it simply, you will not be starting off your sexual experiences with little experience.

A Teachable Moment

Masturbation can be used as a communication tool between yourself and your partner. The more you know about your body and the more you can express what you know - the more able and comfortable you will be communicating that to your partner.

Recovery Period

With men, after orgasming there is usually recovery period before the can get erect again. This can last from hours to days depending on the man. However, with women, there is no recovery period. Masturbation can help get yourself in the mood. You can also use it as a way to store your sexual energy. Masturbating to NOT climax can heighten the build up and encourage desire.

Pattern Interrupt

Masturbation can help get yourself and your partner on the same page. Masturbation can help break the scripted and patterned sex that couples can fall into. Using masturbation as a fantasy technique helps break the mold.

If you have a low libido....

If you have a low libido, knowing what you want, what turns you on, how you can achieve maximum sexual pleasure through masturbation can be a major asset. As women get older, masturbation can help encourage genital function. If not used consistently, then our sexual organs can lose momentum. Masturbation has proven to activate the neural pathways that can help clitorial swelling and lubrication.Have you felt like your sex drive has been suffering lately? Our libidio and sex drive is paamount to our health, relationships, and our self esteem. Exploring masturbation can help create desire and stimulate your sex drive. Talking to a sexual health expert can also lead to major positive change in your sexual health. Dr. Elist is a leading sexual health expert in the Los Angeles greater. With over 30 years of experience, he helps his patients take action and ownership of their sexual help and get them on the right track.

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