Circumcision in the U.S.

August 6, 2014
Circumcision in the U.S.

Circumcision in the U.S.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (the CDC), there has been a decrease in the number of American infant male circumcisions (Circumcision Healing) in recent years.  In 1979, the rate was 64.5 %, but by 2010, the rate was a much lower 58.3 %.  The decline in this elective procedure is most notable in the West where the rate dropped from 63.9 % to 40.2 %.

Possible Influences of Circumcision in the U.S.

The reasons for this are not totally cut and dry but there are a few possible influences:

Circumcision in the U.S.
  • Circumcision in the U.S. Medicaid has stopped covering routine circumcision in many states. In states where Medicaid (Medicaid Wiki Page) still covers it, there is a 24% higher rate of the procedure.
  • The greatest decline, as mentioned before, has been in the West.  In the West, we have seen an increase in the Hispanic demographic and circumcision is much less prevalent in the Hispanic community.  It is about 40 % less common.  This suggests that the decrease may be closely related to changing demographics.
  • There have been various studies suggesting that the procedure is unnecessary.  This may have led parents to see the procedure as cruel or inhumane.  However, there have been other studies that have shown that it actually decreases the likelihood of some diseases.

Global View on Circumcision

Globally, rates vary greatly with circumcision (Circumcision Advantages | Disadvantages) most prevalent in the Muslim world and much less prevalent in Europe.  In parts of Africa it is very common, while in the Southern portion of Africa it is quite rare.  The prevalence and rarity of the procedure in various countries demonstrates the impact of cultural differences.  Scientifically, the value of the procedure is still debated.

Side Effects of Circumcision

According to the American Association of Pediatrics (the AAP), there are very few side effects (Circumcision Benefits) to the procedure and their occurrence is rare.  It does not appear to affect sexual function (Circumcision Effects on Male Sexual Satisfaction) in adult males and has been linked to decreased rates of HIV (HIV Prevention) and HPV (HPV in Men), as well as a decrease in childhood urinary tract infections (UTI Antibiotics | Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections).  This information may cause an increase in the rates but only time will tell.

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