Increasing your ejaculate is a whole-body experience thatinvolves cutting out unhealthy habits. Whether you’re trying to conceive orbecome healthier, these changes are about adopting a lifestyle that promoteswellness and boosts testosterone.
Eat Healthy
What you consume daily has far-reaching health effects thatcompound over time. Eating low-quality food puts stress on your body, affectsyour testosterone levels, and can negatively impact not only the amount ofsperm you produce but the vitality of the sperm cells themselves. Avoid highcarbohydrate and high sugar diets – that means cutting out poor eating habitssuch as sugary drinks and fast food. Eating a diet high in protein, fruits, andveggies is one way of increasing your ejaculate as well as enhancing youroverall health and vitality.
Reduce Your Stress
Reducing your stress levels can boost your sperm count. Whenyou are stressed, your body isn’t able to produce as much sperm as it does whenlife is going smoothly. Stress not only interferes with your hormones, but itcan inhibit natural body functions that are integral to well-being and healthyfunction. Stress is, unfortunately, inherent in modern life, but can besignificantly reduced by ensuring you get enough sleep, exercise, and adopt ahealthy lifestyle.
Stop Smoking
If you needed another reason to quit smoking, then this isit. Smoking can significantly impact your sperm count and the viability of yoursperm. Smoking inhibits sperm production by lowering the presence of proteinsinvolved with testicular function. If you are planning on having children,kicking the smoking habit can help you have a happier, healthier baby.
Less Alcohol and More Water
Alcohol not only dehydrates you, which reduces yourejaculate, but it also lowers your sperm count. Drinking fluids such as waterenhances your ejaculate by increasing the liquid in which they travel. Spermderives protection, lubrication, and a mode of transportation from thewater-based fluid that comprises your ejaculate.
Turn the Heat Down
The reason your testicles are on the outside of your body isthat your sperm require a cooler temperature to remain viable. They can onlysurvive for a short while in hotter temperatures, and sperm production issignificantly lower when your testicles are too warm. Avoid the following:
- Sitting in a sauna or hot tub for too long andtoo often
- Wearing tight underwear or shorts that hold yourtesticles too close to your body
- Holding a laptop directly on your lap for longperiods
There are many supplements available that boost sperm healthand production. By providing your body with the building blocks necessary forsperm production, you can enhance your ejaculate. Such supplements include:
- D-aspartic acid
- Zinc and folic acid
- Vitamins C and D
- Amino acids such as L-Arginine, L-Lysine,L-Carnitine
Masturbate Less
The easiest way toincrease your ejaculate is practical -- just reduce the frequency of yourorgasms. By masturbating less and restricting the amount of sex you have, yourbody will store ejaculate, which can be beneficial if you are trying toconceive.